Return to NaPali is more of the same, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

User Rating: 7.3 | Unreal Mission Pack I: Return to Na Pali PC
Return to NaPali, the relatively overlooked expansion to Unreal arrived one year after it’s source game and wasn’t received well due to it simply being too much like Unreal. If you enjoyed Unreal, however; Return to NaPali is worth at least one play through for the interesting new places to journey through alone. You once again play as Prisoner 849 who was rescued by a UMS starship and given two options: Help them find a crashed UMS ship on NaPali or die. After accepting to take the mission you’re sent down to NaPali (more comfortably this time) and your journey begins again.

Return to NaPali is not very different from it’s source game, but some of the new levels are interesting and a lot of work was put into their design. Unfortunately the mission pack is only a fraction as long as Unreal which is to be expected, but don't let this turn you away. The expansion also features a few new Terran guns which are basically futuristic versions of modern day weaponry. Along with the new weapons there are several new enemies thrown into the mix including small carnivorous reptiles and giant poison spitting spiders.

The graphics in the expansion obviously remain the same, but this mission pack features a combination of recycled music from Unreal and some new music which is just as good as what was in the original Unreal. The game also features some voice acting for the main character who now speaks during brief ‘log entry’ sequences between areas. I’ll be blunt; the voice acting is bad, very bad. I recommend skipping all of the log entries possible unless you absolutely must hear the useless information that is blurted out during these sequences, but you’re better off just moving on with the game since there’s no important story details. In fact, there’s no story details in these sequences at all; it’s just Prisoner 849 ranting on about how his or her life sucks and that the universe is against them.

Unreal: Return to NaPali is a solid expansion to Unreal, and if you enjoyed the original game this mission pack is worth playing through at least once. It features new, and well designed places along with some interesting new enemies and weapons. As long as you can get past the lousy voice acting and simply want more of Unreal’s action\adventure gameplay then Return to NaPali is for you.