This game will alter your PC gaming reality...forever.
You (the player) is the messiah - a prisoner in the ship called 'Vortex Riders' who crash landed into a planet called 'Na Pali'. Your mission - escape the planet.
"Log: Guard, R. Bijl: Situation critical: Last night large, extremely powerful alien forces penetrated our camp. Fired small missiles from hand-mounted launchers. We lost five men."
It would not be easy to escape the planet. The inhabitants and visitors will ensure to test your skills. They have superb AI and do react to certain situations (e.g. ambush). Some will claw, dodge, leap, shoot and anything else to eliminate you. Perfect!
"1400 Hours - Commander Mac Harrison: SITREP: These local natives have a six-barreled rocket launcher on an altar, but it is heavily guarded by those salamander things.’The stick of six fires' is what the Nali keep calling it. I'll try to sneak in tonight."
Some areas just don't rely on shoot-and-kill approach. This game has puzzles to solve as well as carnage. A prefect balance for any FPS fan.
"Prepare to Embark."
The strongest points in the game are the sounds and graphics. Nothing and I mean nothing can surpass this. Even the soundtrack is worth listening to without playing the game. The land, trees, water effects, lighting and the random eerie sounds makes this game stand out in the crowd.
"The path to be followed is long and harrowing, but the strong of heart and purpose will prevail against the challenges."
The game is long - but in a good sense. I wish it didn't end. A definite two thumbs up. Play it and you will never leave...