Log entry: There are Skarrj everywhere...this time I'm hunting them. Reported by: Gina - Prisoner 849

User Rating: 7.4 | Unreal Mission Pack I: Return to Na Pali PC
Unreal - Return to Na Pali is the official mission pack released one year later after Unreal however this game is overlooked by the mega-success of Unreal Tournament 1999; never less still enjoyable to play.

The game starts off right after the events of Unreal. Your ship drifted in space only to be picked up by 'UMS Bodega Bay' only to send you back to Na Pali to recover an important data core from a crashed starship 'The Prometheus'. This time you are more prepared...time to lock and load...and don't forget to pack your lunch. You forgot your lunch didn't you? Well the UMS Bodega Bay did provide you some scuba equipment for that late night swimming and a dispersion pistol...

Log entry: Whoever built this place must of have been a real sadist...
Reported by: Gina's report on the Velora Temple
The overall game has the same effect as Unreal. Beautiful landscapes dotted with Nali cottages, cows mooing in the distance, the sounds of rushing water, and eerie temples all compliments the terrific soundtrack. There are some new music for your listening pleasure as well as two new creatures being the poison spitting spider and the pack hunters.

What's different though is that the player will automatically record a log entry every time when exiting a level. This makes the game more enjoyable to play as it immerses the player as if they are trekking in search for the wrecked ship and then to beam-me-up Scotty.

There are also three new weapons for your enjoyment; the grenade launcher, rocket launcher and the fine-looking, ammo-chewing Car Assault Rifle. Handle with care.

Log entry: I used of being bitten, hacked, shot, stabbed or blown up...
Reported by: Gina on her sorely missed friends
Your old acquaintances are still here; the Skarrj, bButes, Devilfish, Kralls and of course the lovely, irresistible titans. Also special guest appearances are the pack hunters, spiders and mercs! Yes the mercs have arrived!

Log entry: I could be crushed, sliced, diced, burned or skewed...
Reported by: Gina's whining report on...just that whining.
And there are traps. They won't stop for no-one.

Book entry: Our struggle with the sky demons lives on. We pray for the saviour to return to us, but our prayers go unanswered...
Written by: Anonymous Nali
Considering the release of Na Pali arrives one year later, as mentioned before, this game was over-shadowed my the mega success of UT1999. Not that that was a bad thing, it's just that if the game was released earlier than maybe it would have the recognition it deserved. How can one person have enough of Unreal?

Totally Unreal!