A much richer game than ratings would indicate. A quest oriented game, with that "old school" flare to it.

User Rating: 8.3 | Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom PS3
This game is truly one that is underappreciated. It is not just another "mindless" hack n' slash like N3, but an old school quest oriented action/RPG. The game offers plenty of variety in terms of level design, puzzles and 3 playable and customizable characters. You can customize their weapons and attire. Your player is upgradable throughout the game with different spells and moves as well. Straight forward and fun....but with plenty of options as well.

Ok, so the graphics are not Oblivion like, but so what? They are good enough, because the game is just plain old FUN. That is what counts after all, is it not? At least that is why I play games, lol.

If you dig old school, action, hack n' slash like GOLDEN AXE and GUANTLET, then you will truly love this "Wizards and Warriors" themed game. A true old school treat that should not be missed just because you might think that "the graphics suck, man." Trust me....it is just a FUN and very underappreciated game. I cannot wait for the next one in the series. Sometimes that old school vibe is just what the doctor ordered.