Unless you're a super hardcore hack'n'slash fan, you probably won't enjoy this as much.

User Rating: 6.5 | Untold Legends: The Warrior's Code PSP
Untold Legends: The Warrior's Code is a mark above the first game in my opinion in terms of the combat system, level design and overall graphics. Yet the gameplay still suffers I think, due to the mundane hack and slash mechanism through an almost linear path against tons and stupendously tons of enemies.

The only good thing about the combat this time is that there really is some tactical use of certain skills against melee and against long range shooters. But these seemingly fun elements will tend to be tedious and dull after some time. In fact, the game tends to become repetitive after some 15min of play since there isn't any variety of quests other than fight your way to one side of the map and trigger some scenes to again slaughter your bloody way to the other side of the map to trigger another scene to...

Well, if you're a die-hard fan of the Diablo series, you probably will find it your personal mission to complete the game once you touched it. And that's worth watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy twice. If given back a chance, I go for watching Frodo gettin' high on sticking stuff around his finger.
