uplink manages to do what many newer games can't- it's extremely immersive and enjoyable, even without flashy outside
It's unbelevable, but I still have this on my HDD, after almost 7 years of playing it. Not many games deserve some space on my drive, and that one earns it in every way possible. It's easy, yet complicated. Doesn't have high-end graphics, but still looks neat. And one important thing- it sucks you into it's hacking world like no other game.
Really great thing in Uplink is a fact, that you don't have to know any programming skills to play it. Many (mostly text based) games tried to depict hacking as closely as possible, but failed comercially because of that. Uplink tries slightly different approach to the whole "hax0r" thing- lets you feel like some uber-pro, in holywood-esqe kind of way, not the Kevin Mytnick way. And it works fantastic. Yeah, You'll never be a hacker after playing it, but one thing to remember is- It's just a game. And good game gives you an opportunity to become someone else, someone special. And should make that transition easy. Uplink manages to do that with perfection.