Who needs gameplay when you can push A a lot?
(Tilt 2/10)
Round 1 (and every other round): you appear on the left side of the screen and your doppelganger appears on the right. The objective of the game is to force your opponent into the black depths of the right side of the screen so that you can move to the next round. How can you do this? By punching him. Take your pick A, B, A+B, A+Dpad, B+Dpad, they all punch. The only difference is high punch and low punch. Both of which seem to do the same thing. Blocking? Blocking is for wusses! Actually, just stand there and do nothing and you kind of block, but touch anything and you're wide open.
(Gameplay: 2/10)
Come on, they could have at least made a slightly different looking sprites in a game that only has like 5 things in the entire game. This is like having old-skool Mario and Luigi duking it out--which one is which?--oh wait, I don't have green hair, so that must be my enemy.
(Graphics: 2/10)
Baseball has more music and sound quality then this game. And, comparing it to something like SMB or Zelda, is like comparing your 2 year old brother playing on his plastic xylophone to the New York Phil Harmonic.
(Sound: 1/10)
I mashed A a lot and moved right. I mashed A a lot and moved right. I mashed A a lot and moved right. I switched it off before I lost the will to live.
(Value: 1/10)