A surprisingly fun game. No masterpiece of course but definitely a game worthy of spending some time on.
User Rating: 7.9 | Urban Chaos: Riot Response PS2
Urban Chaos: Riot Response, the second game of the Urban Chaos series, makes up entirely for the first game (PS and DC version) which was an absolute piece of garbage. When this game first came out, many of us had no clue. "Urban Chaos?" most people would ask, but that question is definitely wiped away for those of us that have played this fine game. Riot Response is about Chris Mason (you), a highly trained and recently appointed T-Zero agent (T-Zero standing for Zero Tolerance), along with the rest of the police force, going up against the fierce, twisted, and maniacal terrorist gang known as The Burners. An entire city is completely overrun by The Burners, and it's up to you,the rest of T-Zero, and the police force to try and take it back. By any means necessary. This game is very gruesomely violent and bloody. You are given weapons such as Shotguns, cleavers, your handy dandy pistol, and heck, even your own shield is a weapon. Having your enemies spill blood is very satisfying, and heck...it's even pretty easy. You'd think that they were sensitive creatures the way those guys bled. You can bash'em with your shield and watch the blood spurt out of them, which is definitely satisfying. There are 15 missions in the game, many of them story missions which are straight forward. Get from one point to another by doing whatever it takes. By taking arresting (not killing) gang leaders, you can unlock emergency missions which are much more difficult than the normal story missions. These emergency missions are timed, and you aren't given much time at all. They usually consist of you thrashing your way through a Burner base and rescuing a hostage, then returning yourself and the hostage to safety. Urban Chaos is definitely satisfying game which I find comes very handy. When you're feeling angry and you just feel like tearing a few heads off, giving someone a slo-mo head-shot, bashing a few people around, even blowing a few people up, I find that playing Urban Chaos: Riot Response is a great way to deal with these issues. The game has a high replay value because you'll want to go back and complete the fun filled missions 100% (which can be done by getting the necessary amount of head-shots, finding the necessary amount of hidden masks, getting the necessary amount of non-lethal kills (booo) and so on). Whether you're looking for an enjoyable and satisfying experience, or if you're just looking to blow a few heads off and spill some blood (I hope it's mostly option one), then Urban Chaos: Riot Response is a good choice for you.