A solid shooter that could of been more.
Storyline: Urban Chaos' story line is very basic. You are a riot officer 'Nick Mason, who has been called in to pretty much kill off the gang warfare that has over ran the city.
On the way you face hostage situations and such. This get annoying but it stops you from getting bored.
Like i said, pretty basic.
Overal very basic and boring in places. 6/10
Graphics: For 2006, the dying days of the PS2, Xbox and Game Cube they were okay but not the best PS2 graphics you'd ever see.
For a game like this i was suprised it didn't get sloppy half way through.
Good but dull. 7/10
Sound: Pretty good. The voice acting is brilliant and enviromental sounds are okay. But somthing about the gun sounds makes them sound fake.
Not noticable but worth a decent rating. 8/10
Controls: Basic and playable, although switchin wepons can be annoying.
Basic... a bit like the game. 7/10
Game play: At first you would be like "You wanna piece of me, yeah!?" BOOM.
But then you get your taser and then your like "i'm gonna' tase you bro", 'cus everyone knows it's fun.
They say take this guy alive, and your like "Aww, you spoil my fun".
Then hostages and repetative stages.
And then a massaive jump in difficulty.
Overal if you see it on a shelf for a few pounds pick it up, it's worth a play.