not one of the best RPG's i've played but it gets the job done great game to have

User Rating: 9 | Valhalla Knights 2 PSP
i would like to start of by saying what the F$#@ is with the difulculty curve in this game yeah the first few battles are fine but once your into the slums after one fight i had to go back to town and rest or i was dead and the jerk running the inn was talking a big amount of my cash but as you go on it dosn't really seem like that much but its pretty cheep what they do with some things

first off the graphics, well there PSP graphics so there not the best but who really cares as long as your enjoying the game so my rating of the game has nothing to do with this yes the grahics are a bit shoty but the CG opening is fun to watch

The Controls are also alittle slow to react when being used but there basicly the same as most RPGs you use triangle to go to menu and so on

Gameplay now this is were a game lives or dies yes the game play is fun and you will be playing for hours but in battle gameplay is really messed up like the fact that you cant pause, yeah what a great idea consedring the PSP is made for on the go games seconed my seconed time figting a dragon type monster in the game my party was wiped out and the dragon disided to eat me next my guy must have been sleepy becasue he desided to take a brake and ignor my command well atlest the little B@$#%$# got what was coming and also the first boss battle in the game was a group of mushroom and it took me ten damn times to get a high enough level to pass the quest the first mission and i had to level up to level 6

now for story ok i've been playing for over 100 hours and i'll i know is Goddess = bad and shes coming back and how is my character effected by this..... that was a question i have know clue i was hoping you knew i just spend my days making my character get mail and plastic flowers

but over all its a fun game it will keep you busy and at has a great amount of costomization that is if you can get that far