This is the second one?
- Opening movie looked like there would be an interesting story.
- Great CG opening movie and nice character animations.
- 6 character battle party and switching control between them in real-time is still fairly unique.
- 20 hours into the game and pretty much no story elements at all that tie into the opening movie.
- Character and environment graphics look the same as the original game. They looked nice over a year ago, but expected more in the sequel.
- Screen layouts much harder to read than the original.
- Additions of booby-trapped treasure chests and characters often getting stunned and not moving for extended periods of time are very frustrating.
- Collision detection could be more accurate as enemies can hit you from great distances beyond their visible reach.
This game is more tedious than difficult as it requires hours of grinding towards a purpose that I don't care about since there's no story and most of the quests revolve around having to kill 15 of a certain kind of monster over and over again.
The convenient warp points and quick save from the original game have both been taken out, increasing the frustration factor for this game.
I continue to keep putting up with the frustration hoping that the story will eventually pick up, but after 20 hours and only making it to the 4th area, there is nothing to keep the player interested.