If you are patient enough and ambitious enough to learn how to play this game you will enjoy it. The instructions suck.
The instructions are very poorly written, and forget to mention how to do a few things. It accurately explains attributes, but forgets to mention strength increases your carry weight. It easily explains what your mercenary orders are and what the slider bars mean, but fails to tell you how to give a mercenary orders while in combat. Even the hero abilities page doesn't explain that you will find new abilities after learning things to a certain level. Many people who played this game might enjoy it a little more if the instructions were a little more elaborate. There are a few pretty solid game guides / walk through you can find online. I strongly suggest that.
One feature that I liked especially was that you are five+ heroes trapped in one persons body. You start off as a level 1 (your choice), and when you level up you gain some attribute points and a skill point. You can then switch your job and become a level 1 (whatever else). When you change jobs, you retain all of the same attributes, strength, dex, vit, etc. The only things that change slightly are hitpoints, and item carry weight. Its also nice that once your hero hits level 10 you start gaining more attributes each time you level up. I assume this is the same at level 20.
The music isn't the greatest, but its not bad either. The main problem with sound is the extra sound effects. You will notice very fast how loud and clunky your walking/running sound is, and you will probably be turning the sfx down as low as possible your second time at the options menu.
Mercenaries are useless. Well they are, until you learn how to manage them. The instructions explain how to manage their orders, but fail to explain how to give them their orders. Holding B, Pressing Down, then pressing the order direction will successfully call out an order to your mercenary. Your mage will sit back casting spells. Your fighter will stay with you attacking enemies. Your bard will attack things, but assist when convenient. The only thing that is difficult about mercenaries is that they only receive 1/3'rd the experience you will receive. Because of that you will have to forget you have 5 to level up, and pick 2 or 3 to focus on. Otherwise your mercenaries will be 4, 6, 10, 15 levels lower than you.
The last main issue with this game is its armor. It is very difficult to say how much an armor is going to help you. And after you've spent 20 minutes in town, leaving with what you were originally wearing, the armor system seems lacking. You have several dozen choices, but at the end of the day +AL (armor level) is all your characters really need. I have yet to find anything to be considered "elite" loot, but buying a shoe from the shop, then upgrading it 4 times at the Nolz town seemed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread---no more worrying about stupid shoes. However one good thing about armor and weapons is that you can wear anything if you have enough carry weight available for the item (and if you're the right gender (blue / red))
After reading this you're probably saying "Why does this guy like this game?" This game just sort of grew on me. Everything seems to work much better when you know the things the instructions dont tell you, and after you've learned how to manage the weapons and armors you wont have to deal with wasting too much time ever again. And the music... I still dont like the stupid sound effects from running, but luckily I can turn that to be almost off. If your a fan of real time role playing games, you might like this one.