One the the most underappreciated games on the market. Takes long time to kickstart but wort it when more time is spent.
1. Tutorial? What tutorial?
Quite simply, apart from telling us which buttons to use for locking, weak attack, and strong attack, nothing is explained to us. This is primarily why I cranked the difficulty up on it, and why many players give up within a 1-5 hours of gameplay margin. I myself would be glad to fully explain the game on Wiki Answers or by PM here.
Wiki Answers Name: Mornarq
2. Where do I go?
Indeed, many players, including myself, have found themselves lost in the very first quests! That is, if you can find WHERE to get quests. This lack of guidance and help in the early stages of the game make it a game where you learn to play it as you play it! Unfortunately, with this issue, many give up at this point in the game. If you find you lack the patience, please contact me or any other experienced player of this game to get your answers, because, unless you play a lot like me, you will only know by asking, which is in itself not good for a game.
3. Hey this is easy! Wait... WHAT THE---!
Indeed, if you have played this game, you will notice how killing rabbits in the early stages of Episode 1 is very easy, which will lead you to say : "Hey... this is easy! Lets rush forward!", only to find yourself facing a Dragon, or some very tough monsters indeed. Yes, this is one aspect of the game that needs some getting used to. The game itself does not stop you from advancing quickly in the main quest line. However, the sheer power of the monsters you will face WILL stop you right in your tracks. This only means one thing : More playing. Yes, you will find that this game requires much time in order to get the results you're looking for.
In essence, 2 things can make this game much better for you.
1. Play more / Be patient!
Playing more and killing more monsters will level you and make you EXPONENTIALLY stronger. I myself could only beat the main quest (and final boss) after being max level (50) in Warrior, Mage and Priest. But really, you can do so before.
2. Ask help!
Yes, many, including myself, hate having to ask pubescent teens on how to play a game I simply want to pay on my own, but unless you're fine with restarting 3 new characters and playing over 50 hours, you will need to ask some help from those who did, such as myself and, quite unfortunately, few others.
I actually don't know if you can Private Message on GameSpot, but if not, feel free to contact me on Wiki Answers at
Oh I almost forgot, due to the limitations of the Wii's online System, you will need Friend Codes to play online. Please note that you don't gain XP from online Quests, only rewards, so come prepared and... well... strong.
For ANY Wii game which you want to play online, visit
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