One of the best PSP games i've ever played
At first, about story. Main characters in VC 2 are not so cool, as Welkin Gunther and company were. They are not original. It's just like developers took them from other anime series. Even the new valkyria is much worse then Selvaria Bless was. Antagonists are so boring. Only boring pathos speeches... But at overall the story isn't so bad. Even unoriginal characters with not so good valkyria look so alive. You can learn a lot about every squad member, reveal their secrets. And also we can meet some characters from VC. No more spoilers, let's talk about gameplay.
It's great. There are 5 main classes of units, 30 subclasses. Detailed customization of the weapons and armor, also you can customize the vehicle. And it's all on PSP. The tactics in battles isn't so difficult. There some ways to complete the mission: killing everyone (it takes a lot of time, so less EXP and money you will obtain) or making plan how to complete objectives in no time. Sometimes it's very difficult, but if you can do it, finish mission with "S" rank, you feel yourself like some great commander.
I'm sure; the scale of battles is much less than it was in original game. Also locations are divided on some parts, from 2 to 6 or even 7. But it's not critical for the gameplay. It isn't PS3, it's only PSP, so take it easy and enjoy this game.
The graphics is also great. I think developers did their best. The potential of PSP is fully revealed. It isn't looking such amazing as VC, but as for PSP - it's great.
Story - 8/10
Gameplay - 10/10
Graphics - 10/10
Total: 9/10.
Also I want to add, that I spent nearly 55 hours playing this game, and I want to spend the same time, replaying it in English. Thanks Sega for making Valkyria Chronicles 2 for PSP.
I apologize for my primitive English. It's not my native language.