different, but a nice strategy.

User Rating: 9 | Senjou no Valkyria PS3
whats different? The battle mechanics. The story is kind of weak, the best parts of it is when they show the valkyria and the enemy's conversations. As for the team you play, their conversations are awful. 85 percent of what goes on between them I can't hardly stand to watch. One character later on is a stupid flying pig, thank goodness you don't use it as a character. There are a few characters you get that are pretty cool looking and that are fun to use. The main reason I liked the game is the battle system. You have a weapon triangle which consist of tank, gun/machine gun, and a spear which is actually a bazooka. The gun class lets you counter, and when the enemy comes into view they fire at them. The story, I thought was not quite enough. Basically a bigger empire evades a smaller one, and through several strategic battles you push them out of your land. They try to throw some twist into it, the valkyria, but it doesn't really change the story any.