Perhaps the definitive RPG for the PS2. Art direction is unsurpassed, battles are fun and easy, story is engaging.
The battles are easy, but very fun, as they are free roaming with one simple goal, one that pays off in spades: you attack enemies to try and hit off various body/armor parts. This proves to be unending in its enjoyment, since there's a gambling aspect to the proceedings ("Will I get [blank] item? If I do I can combine it with [blank and blank] to get that awesome sword at the armory!" and so forth). The battles do not drag at all, thanks to the fact that if you defeat the leader (who is clearly marked in red) the battle ends immediately.
The story, which I believe I'm halfway through, moves along nicely, uncovering plot points quickly enough to build up the tension and help you bond with the characters. The characters themselves are stereotypically designed, but the dialog and voice acting are spot on (given how poor so many other PS2 games are in this department, I can't thank Tri-Ace enough for this).
Bottom line: I've played so many of the others that have been recommended on blogs, top 25 lists, etc., and aside from FFXII and Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, this is the only RPG that has made my trip into the PS2 gaming world worthwhile. Definitely pick it up if you can!