The difficulty is being overrated
As for the difficulty, I have seen lots of FAQ, said you can't get A ending in the first gameplay, which I actually did without the use of any FAQ and actually choose the hardest path in the gameplay without even realizing it (finish last boss in one go btw), I am not saying the game is easy, it is actually really hard, but it is not as hard as people make it seem to be
The main problem is the save selection, which tend to be over frustrating as you often have to finish 2-3 stage in a row without the use of saving, and some battle camera scene can make a character attack missed when it is suppose to hit
The character artwork sucks btw
As of overall, even though it had some short coming, this is a really great twist for the Valkyrie Profile series that actually works out quite well (for me at least), but there is still more room for improvements like more CG or better characters art and the ability to select easy/normal/hard mode without affecting the plot of the story