An RPG that I truly found to be challenging...

User Rating: 9 | Valkyrie Profile: Toga o Seoumono DS
When I first saw the previews for Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume, I thought this game would be a piece of cake, I was very wrong.

First I will say that the creators of this game did an excellent job with the graphics portion of this game, quite a bit of detail and excellent sprite animation. The music is nice, but nothing spectacular.

The game play for this game is actually very fascinating, I have actually never seen a battle system like this (but I also never played a Valkyrie series). The fact that each character is controlled by either X, Y, A, and B definitely allows some control.

The downside to this game is how difficult the battles can be, in fact some of the enemies are way stronger than the original characters you place into battle. And yet there is no true solution to evening the playing field since you can't randomly train your players before you attempt the main mission.

I would highly recommend this game to all decent to hardcore RPG fanatics, just remember it's not as easy as it seems.