Vampire: Bloodlines is a unique game that tries it's best to combine a first person shooter with a role playing game.

User Rating: 8.7 | Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines PC
Vampire: Bloodlines is set in now-a-days LA and play a newly embraced vampire indebted to the Prince that has just killed your sire. At the beginning you'll pick from a number of clans, each with a number of unique abilities and looks. The story is creative and fairly linear, but there are a great number of side quests that can be done. Like fighting a demon, killing zombies, and finding someones lost love. In the story, you'll see how vampire blend in with modern day society and keep it hidden from the humans. You'll see werewolves, demons, ghosts, a oriental vampires, and a number of other strange creatures that walk the night with you as you try to pay off your debt to the Prince.
The gameplay is different. All of you melee fighting will be done in a third person view, while any of the shooting can be done in a third or first person view. You will find yourself using the melee more than the guns because it's just more effective and efficient to do so, especial against many of the supernatural being you will fight. The guns are extremely clumsy and not very useful for taking down anything other then humans, but are some very nice guns. The flamethrower and a number of automatic weapons are nice to have near the end of the game.
The graphics are nice looking for the most part. There are a number of times when some of the characters simply look off and the bodies look blocky. However, the detail put into the faces and some of the affect are amazing.
There is also alot of voice acting in the game and a nice music sound tract that goes well with the theme and mood of the game.
However, it should be noted that this game is not for anyone under 17. Sex, alcohol, blood, gore, swearing, and parital nudity make this game unsuitable for younger teens and children.