Hugely underrated rpg

User Rating: 9.4 | Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines PC
Even amongst role playing games VTM: Bloodlines stands out, a rather dark world inhabited by vampires, werewolves, zombies and other supernatural creatures.
Gameplay: Gameplay is mostly melee orientated but also features ranged combat, this depends on what the player spends his experience points on. Alternatively you can use seduction, persuasion and intimidation to get what you want, a wide assortment of options allowing for large replayability.
Graphics: Bloodlines uses the halflife 2 engine, and while not as impressive as halflife 2 itself the game does look execptionally nice with very good maps.
Sound: Apart from stand sounds and very good music it has some exceptional voice acting.
Value: The value lies in the replayability.
Tilt: The game is incredibly fun.