Gonna bite ya...
User Rating: 8 | Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines PC
Just bought this game pretty cheap last week since it has been out for some years now, but the graphics still look good. I actually have the same buying expeirence with this second vampire game as i had with the first one, bought it some years after its release. The first game had some very cool stuff in it, and some dull irratating things. But the good stuff made me wanna buy Bloodlines, and im usally an FPS fan, but this game is pretty good. I like all the choices you can make while talking to all the different charecters in the game, and the fallout of the way you want the conversation to go. The Beginning in blood lines is the best, because its like you have a lot off freedom there, and i like that in games, and even though the main story in the game is good it gets a little frustarating later in the game that you have to follow the main story so much and a level in the sewers felt like it went on forever, but in the end this games really strong points is the cool vampire universe its featured in, and that alone will properly make me come and go trough it a second time with a different clan.