While it has some technical weaknesses and limited ambition it's got style up the wahzoo and is just fun!
It ain't perfect. People are right when they say it's buggy, save often, you will crash to desktop. Although it is running on the Half-Life 2 engine, it really doesn't take full advantage of it. The game world is pretty small and confined, this is no Elder Scrolls. Its doesn't excel as a shooter, the firearms are kind of weak and the controls in this area are clumsy.
With the weaknesses out of the way... This game has a good storyline. It's fun as heck to play a vampire, the powers you get as you gain XP are a hoot. The characters and voice acting are some of the best to ever to appear in a video game. Vampires (as you may expect) are a little mentally unstable, and the game pulls this off without being slapstick or overbearing and giving each NPC a distinct recognizable personality. The games also pulls off action, drama, horror and comedy at various times. The classes (clans) have a lot of variation in them, you will have significantly different experiences replaying the game as a Nosferatu, Tremer, and Malkavian.
Give it a try. If your one of the people who can't stand its flaws you're only out bargain bin money. If, like me and a lot of others, you can shrug off the sloppy bits and enjoy the gaming goodness, its a great deal.