I want those hours of my life back, and I'm taking it away from you in blood. You won't become a vampire...

User Rating: 3 | Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption PC
I never got the impression from any professional review site that this was the greatest game ever, but even so, I'd heard a lot about it.

"Dude, crazy vampire game."

To all you who told me to check it out. I want those precious hours of my life back, and I'm taking it away from you in blood. No, you won't become a vampire.

Seriously, this may have been the most unpleasant control scheme I've ever touched. Almost non-existent keyboard shortcuts. You just can't move the mouse that fast in real time and not die.

Well, you can apparently. If you are patient, and stick with it, and all that. And that would be totally worth it, because, like, I just can't wait to hear more grandiose poop-honey dripping from another mouth. Come on, people don't talk like that. I'm not really sure they ever did. Shakespeare did it better. The story and dialog was so overinflated with BS "style" it was like tiny rabid gerbils crawling through my ear into my intestines every time there was a cut scene.

Rich game, yadda yadda. Oh yeah, it was great. So many powers I don't even have an interest in using them. Well, maybe I do, but I can't seem to get my mouse to move fast enough. And even if I did, the d$#kwad AI used all his blood power conjuring more bad dialogue. Sorry, your dude is way super pissed because he just realized that long speech is bull%$#it for "this game sucks".