An allright movie-game, worth a try
The only bad thing here is the lack of both story and levels.And that happens in all unfourtunally in 99% off all movie-games made untill today.
But some good action there is indeed and it is following the movie quite ok.
Considering what i've seen on movie based games, graphics are normally the strong point, lacking in both gameplay and story. This was kinda opposite, good Gameplay, bad graphics. The characters are often jagged and blocky, wrecking in the overall experience.
The actors voices were re-used, but it seemed that it was taken directly from the movie rather then re-recorced for the game, and that alone can wreck it a bit.
Games that are based on movies are often considered instant failures, but can often be great rentals. This is an example of that.So Van Helsing fans do try it out.