A game with potential?

User Rating: 8.7 | Vanguard: Saga of Heroes PC
Vanguard SOH is a good game that i lookef oward to for a while, and now after playing beta i thought the game was unplayable, buggy, and crap. But with the final release at hand, the patches came out and the game smoothed out sloowly, and now we ALMOST have a finished game. I have to say this game is amazingly fun, the graphics are great, the sound totally matches the game regions, and the community is good. All what many can hope for. There is so much to explore, and so much to see, that sometimes you dont want to stop playing, but you do! Simply because ur game is buggy, and u have to relog at least 2 times a day. I would give this game a higher score, but there is still so much fixing this game needs to be finished, so it can be played smoothly. obvisouly not all games come out perfect, but this is what some people expect, and their not going to get this in Vanguard, and in many MMO's. But dont get me wrong, this game is absolutely worth playing, but it is a lot more difficult than many solo MMO's, after about lvl 11 u must do everything with a group( Im on a PvP FFA server, we can kill anyone we want and get money for it, or lose money for dying, so ull NEED friends, and ull HAVE to work together with others at one point in the game, or u wont get very far). The dungeons are enourmous, even at low lvls i was surprised to see that i had no interaction with any groups during my first dungeon. So overall i think this game is good, and has much potential, but if you are waiting for a finished game, wait a month then buy it,, or if u just cant wait! get it now :P