I think the game itself is attractive to allot of people because they are looking for a new mmo to play. I say you may want to hold off. The Game play is what i was expecting, the basic mmo setup. Although it did bring a new aspect to the combat which is the starting and finishing moves. This means that you can only use some attacks in the beginning of a battle or after you crit on one of your abilities. When i first saw a finishing move i thought it was going to be like an execute or hammer of wrath but it is only activated after you crit. Instancing in the game is terrible to say the least. First of all only one group can be in a instance at a time. If that isn't bad enough the group that you want to do the instance with has to click this button at the same time or else the whole group may not get in. Questing in the game is the same old story, go get 10 of these go kill 5 of that, but i think that there isn't much to expand upon in any mmo. Leveling in this game take a while..... Be prepared to spend over 1000 hours trying to hit the max lvl. I feel that they may have made the leveling a bit to hard and that is definitely going to discourage a lot of players from buying the game. The pvp in this game is lacking, from what i have seen there are no battlegrounds and it is basically just world pvp. The visuals in this game aren't very good lol. The particle effects are crappy plain and simple. The game has no anti aliasing and also has no vertical sync so there is tearing and a lot of jagged lines. I was running the game on my comp which has a 8800gts and 1gig of ram and the graphics where mediocre. I have herd rumors about patches that will fix these graphical problems but i believe that these should have already been fixed before the game even launched. Another thing is that the game has a lot of lag and this can be really frustrating at times because when i play a game i expect it run smoothly and if it doesn't i get rid of it. I bet there is a lot of people out there that disagree with what i have said but they are just bored of wow, gw, eq, ect. Don't lie to yourself this game isn't worth playing just hold off til war hammer or find some other type of game to play because if you are looking for the next big mmo look somewheres else because this is not it. And even if they do come out with these patches that make the game all better it is going to be to late to save it because most of the players will have moved onto something better or back to their old mmo.
Other Helpful Reviews for Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
There are so many "reviews" posted by people who constantly flame every other MMO saying that it is a rip-off of WoW (i actually saw someone call EQ1 that). Every MMO has skills, talents, levelling, experience, and spec... Read Full Review
First of all, Vanguard is not finished - and not in the same sense that every MMO released to date was not finished at release. (Yes, even WoW was missing much of the high end content and graphics for most of the high lv... Read Full Review