this game is awful, if you happen to have a super computer lying around your house you might... MIGHT be able to play it. It takes about 3 days to patch, and it is incredibly unbalanced. I had high hopes for this game, but i was very much disapointed in what we got. I knew this game would be crap though as soon as SOE put their names anywhere near this game, i wish they would quit ruining my stuff, like swg.... and i know i know they didn't have anything to do with the programming, but i still believe it's there fault >_< other than those things, it's just a generic, good graphics rpg.
Other Helpful Reviews for Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
There are so many "reviews" posted by people who constantly flame every other MMO saying that it is a rip-off of WoW (i actually saw someone call EQ1 that). Every MMO has skills, talents, levelling, experience, and spec... Read Full Review
First of all, Vanguard is not finished - and not in the same sense that every MMO released to date was not finished at release. (Yes, even WoW was missing much of the high end content and graphics for most of the high lv... Read Full Review