people who give this a bad reveiw don't have all the facts.
MOST of those people who are bagging on the game is because of the many bugs it had when the game first released. well come on, what MMO was EVER released perfect and without no bugs? also, this game is so in-depth and deep that yeah, there's also ALOT of things to bug, unlike World of Warcraft which has so little content, what is there to bug? so i reach to another issue people are having, there saying the gameplay is crap. well, how about you play more then 20 hours of the game before saying stuff like that.. World of Warcraft's gameplay doesn't even get fun till lvl 60 so shut up. yeah at first the game is easy, of corse.. you are still learnign the ropes. even at lvl 30 u still get new stuff that you have to learn and incorperate into your mode of play.
one thing i was a little disapointed in was the enviroments, mostly the dessert areas. but then as i traveled to different areas, i relized that the desseret was only about 10% of the game and really, everything else is beautfull.
one shred of advice i would give to anyone who wants to play this, or gave up on it, is wailt a little while longer. if your going to be so crital of a few bugs, or piss about some little thing that's messed up, then just wailt till about April, even though right now 90% of teh bugs are worked out, which they wasted no time on fixing in the first place, but most of you didn't stick around because it made it to hard and u need WoW to comfort you with it's 1-60 in 4 days, and easy no brain gameplay.