The most immersive 3rd person shooter I've played to date! This action will leave you breathless!
Now lets move onto the gameplay. With the use of the ARS you can zip around the battle field blowing heads off of Russian robots. The aim system is perfect and had no problem with it. You can do crazy tricks in slow motion. But you have a certain time with the suit until it overheats. So get into cover and let it recharge and your right back into action! You can have 3 main guns in a downloader called the Blade. You can choose what kind of guns you want, Rocket launchers, machine guns, assault rifles, and many more powerful guns. When your close to death you have a chance of getting outta there, by using the power of the suit. Which ever gun you choose you can upgrade it by upgrades bad guys drop. I thought it was a brilliant idea. There is playable action scenes that would leave your mouth on the floor. One of my favorite parts about the game is that there are very difficult challenges, they are fun and blood pulsing. One thing that confused me was that there are collectibles called Pangloss statues. They are hidden well but it doesn't tell you how many there are. The boss battles are fun and accelerating. And it's awesome when you can just pull out a cigarette while your in cover. And one other thing that disappointed me was that you can't go back to other missions without losing all your stats, so be careful not to do that.
Lets head over to the graphics. Lets just say Sam's suit is down right amazing looking. I swear I stared at his suit every time I get the chance. It is so detailed and brilliant. The surroundings are nice, but can be a little glitchy. And the other guys are also good looking. But no one (not even Masterchief) can top Sam's suit!
Now on to the soundtrack. The voices of Sam and Burns disappointed me, they always sounded like they were underwater, and the music gave me occasional head aches. But the sound effects of the guns and Sam's suit are amazing!
Other than the bad voice acting, and bad music, this game is revolutionary! Buy it play it, and play it again, this game has great replay value. Hope this helped!
Story: 7.5 Was good and had twist and turns.
Gameplay: 10 This gameplay is unique and is just plain.... perfect.
Graphics: 9.0 Sam's suit earns this graphics to get a 9.
Soundtrack: 7.5 The voice acting wasn't so good, but it wasn't so bad. And the sound effects were just plain amazing!
Overall: 9.0 This game is great and is a definite buy!