Amazing unice arcade style
well this game is 3D shooter but the style is arcade, the gameplay is very very fast and alot of my friends has head ache playing it, well me i dont have problem with it but you should prepare your self if you thing to buy this.
the story is very good, same as these days but in the future war between USA and Russia and the reason of the war same as today,for economy estable.
ive never played a challenge like this game i cant finish it its very hard i really cant finish the first compaign here you will really envoy this mode.
the story has continue, there will be 2 in the future.
mistakes,,,,,,hhmmmm yeah there is big mistake in the game but dosent matter. when you are comunicating in gameplay not on the cutscene, your guy is sam he is talking and you see his face and his not talking,,, his mouse is shut.
i know in 2 they will fix this thing