Good times... very good times
Then my aunt told me about a Nintendo game called Vegas Dream. Where i could play Casino games all i wanted on my Nintendo, i played the game out there in Nevada, and i was hooked. I loved playing Blackjack and the slot machines. And I was sad that I did not have this game myself back in my home in Michigan. But that Christmas, i got the game. And let me tell you why this game is a classic.
First off, you and up to 3 friends can gamble at 4 different games, Slot Machines *Both 7's or Bars*, Keno, Blackjack, and Roulette. You could also share money with each other and give some money to one of your teammates who lost all his cash. The game does a great job giving you the feeling your in Las Vegas. And there are 2 modes. One where you can have strangers come up to you when your playing, and they could ask you if you would like to play a game, invest in stockings, go to the bar, or even have a date and get married!
But you could either gain or lose money doing this. I like the mode on personally because it makes it more real life, other then the fact your character can get married more then once.
The gameplay, well its gambling... and its straight forward. No confusing at all. so Gamplay gets a 10.
The graphics are very impressive for a NES Casino game, and get a 10 as well.
The sound is okay, but its nothing special. It will tend to annoy you at times. so 6 for sound.
Value? I would have to say it's value is an 7. It not one of the most valuable games you will ever play. But it does indeed live up to the games name.
Tilt: 8
Overall score 8.6
Averaged to 9 is my score.
Thanks for reading.