Secret Code - Enviro-Bear 2000, Vessel, Free Games!
On this week's show we help a bear drive a station wagon to survive winter, make artificial life out of puddles, and highlight three free games you can download today.
On this week's show we help a bear drive a station wagon to survive winter, make artificial life out of puddles, and highlight three free games you can download today.
On this week's show we help a bear drive a station wagon to survive winter, make artificial life out of puddles, and highlight three free games you can download today.
Here's a behind-the-scenes look at how the music was integrated into Vessel.
Check out the second invention report for Vessel, highlighting seeds.
Here's a first-look video for Vessel featuring a ton of gameplay footage.
Take a look at the Fluro and its characteristics in this video for Vessel.
We show off some Crysis on consoles, Kingdoms of Amalur, Gears of War 3 , indie game Vessel, Bit.Trip Saga on the DS, and more!
Here's a PAX 2011 premiere trailer for Vessel.
Check out this first-look demo of Strange Loop Games' physics-based puzzle platformer!
EA veterans launching startup Strange Loop Games with liquid physics-based puzzle platformer from indiePub.
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