review 34

User Rating: 2 | Videomation NES
ever heard of videomation well it sucks!!!
in this game you just color the picture on the screen and on a
nes controller its pretty hard.i rather just color on my computer
screen.well so far this review is short and it must go lets
go back to June 1991 when this game came out.i was at toys
r us and i saw it and the cover had a tiger and i thought it was
the lion king for the nes and i loved the movie but i was wrong.
what if it was the lion king color game.a ton of nes games suck
and they have some of the best games ever made and my favorite
is batman the movie for nes.5 levels of i rather
eat a turd then play this.well wait i have to do more.this game was
made by thq.that was the same company that made wheres
waldo for the nes and you want that well next time.also this annoying baby comes on the screen.forget this lets play a good game yes
that's right batman the movie for the you play as batman
and go around and punch people not from the movie but who
cares its a masterpiece.also this wall jump is takes
a long time to get to the joker and you can switch that's batman and videomation die!!!