The remaining modes include: Shield Regen, Killing Time, Auto Banners, and Ultra Zones. In shield regen mode the Legends will regenerate over time passively. In Killing time mode each round time will be reduced every time a legend dies. In Auto Banners mode all banner cards are automatically retrieved. In Ultra Zones mode there will be three hot zones per match. The War Games event starts April 13th with Second Chance Mode. See below for the times each mode will be active.Second Chance: Tuesday, 4/13 – Thursday, 4/15
Ultra Zones: Thursday, 4/15 – Monday, 4/19
Auto Banners: Monday, 4/19 – Wednesday, 4/21
Killing Time: Wednesday, 4/21 – Friday, 4/23
Armor Regen: Friday, 4/23 – Tuesday, 4/27