The bombastic chaos of every great Battlefield game is built atop a bedrock of four distinct multiplayer classes: Assault, Medic, Support, and Recon. This remains true in Battlefield V, with each class featuring its own unique weapons and gadgets to help you forge an unstoppable squad or adopt a particular style to suit your mood or the match type you're currently playing. The exciting thing about Battlefield V is that these class staples have been enhanced with more depth than ever before, with the introduction of Combat Roles opening up your options with specific traits to suit any given situation.
As part of our essential guides detailing these brand new Combat Roles, Battlefield expert Stodeh talks us through the four options available under the Assault and Medic classes, helping you hone your tactics and establish your role within a squad, whether you're kicking down doors on the frontline or keeping your squad alive for one last push towards an enemy occupied objective.
Stodeh runs through the advantages of the Light Infantry Combat Role for the Assault class, focusing on its aggressive nature and the ways in which the scavenger and battle hardened traits can keep you on the front foot and in the thick of the action. Combining the Assault classes arsenal of fast fire rate weapons--like the Sturmgewehr 1-5 and M1907 SF assault rifles--with these traits will give you the opportunity to tear through the competition in close quarter situations, and this video gives you the rundown on how best to achieve this.
The other Combat Role for the Assault Class is Vehicle Buster, and Stodeh explains how this differs from Light Infantry and how best to utilise its singular traits. As the name implies, Vehicle Buster emphasises the destruction of enemy tanks and other vehicles. The above video details how this role makes use of explosive weaponry such as Anti-Tank Bundle Grenades and the PIAT rocket launcher to help your squad spot targets and gain extra requisition points with the Vehicle Painter and Vehicle Scrapper traits, for those who enjoy obliterating the enemy's heavy machinery.
In terms of the Medic class and its Combat Roles, Combat Medic shares some similarities with the Light Infantry role, putting you on the frontlines with the added ability to heal and revive your teammates. Stodeh breaks down the Melee Expert and Emergency Retreat traits, detailing how they can keep you alive so you can continue pegging back the enemy while simultaneously keeping your teammates alive.
Last but not least, the other Medic Combat Role is called Field Medic. This acts as a much more passive role than the Combat Medic, focusing on helping your squad with effective healing traits that earn additional requisition points for your squad and allow you to reach downed teammates in a hurry. Take advantage of these expert tips and you'll be sure to lead your team to victory.