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Black Mirror: Smithereens Breakdown & Easter Eggs | Season 5

Black Mirror is back on Netflix! Join Lucy and Tamoor as they break down 'Smithereens' and reveal all the hidden Easter eggs that you might have missed! Beware, spoilers!

Black Mirror Season 5's release date has finally arrived, with three new episodes of the hit anthology series arriving on Netflix worldwide. As always, the new episodes deal with some of the darker interpretations of futurism and technology.

Here, we take a look at Smithereens, which stars Andrew Scott (Sherlock, Spectre), Damson Idris (Snowfall), and Topher Grace (Spider-Man 3, Interstellar, BlacKkKlansman). It's directed by James Hawes (Doctor Who, Black Mirror: Hated in the Nation) and was written by series creator Charlie Brooker.

The official plot synopsis reads: "A cab driver with an agenda becomes the center of attention on a day that rapidly spirals out of control." We won't say more than this so we don't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen the episode yet!

Once you have watched the show, watch the video above, in which Lucy James and Tamoor Hussain uncover all the Easter eggs and secrets they can find and break down the plot.

Black Mirror Season 5 is the first release from the show since the interactive special Bandersnatch, which came to Netflix in December 2018. Prior to that, Season 4 was released in December 2017. For more on the sci-fi series, check out our comprehensive breakdown of the Black Mirror universe's timeline. For more on Season 5, meanwhile, you can watch our breakdowns of Black Mirror: Striking Vipers and of Rachel, Jack, and Ashley Too.