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Borderlands 3 Excels In Its Endgame

Borderlands 3 is a great game that raises complicated questions about sequels, expectations, and franchise evolution. In this video, we tackle them all.

Borderlands 3, in many ways, is a throwback to the early days of loot shooters. Considering the original Borderlands helped to kickstart the genre back in 2009, this seems only fitting. But despite its lineage, Borderlands 3 does actually change the franchise formula.

The concept of an endgame is prevalent in modern games. As more developers vye for players' time, it often falls to a game's late-hours to prove that all that time was worth it. And in this regard, Borderlands 3 excels.

In the video above, Mike Mahardy dives deep into how Gearbox made Borderlands 3's endgame repsect players' time, and the numerous ways it allows you to jump back into the fray, without the redundancies of the series' earlier titles.

Borderlands 3 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.