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Cyberpunk 2077 Footage in Unreal 5 Released & Its Impressive | GameSpot News

Cyberpunk 2077 is recreated in Unreal Engine 5, GTA+ is off to a great start and Elden Ring's Malenia battles all other bosses thanks to a new mod.

YouTuber and developer Enfant Terrible, alside a number of other artists, put together a reimaging of Cyberpunk 2077's Night City within Epic's software. The artists used environment megapacks from the Epic Marketplace to recreate Night City and populated it with characters from Epic's the MetaHumans Creator.

Back in March 2022, Take-Two Interactive rolled out GTA+, an optional paid subscription service for GTA Online. The initial announcement was met with some mixed reactions from fans, but according to Take-Two, the service is apparently doing well. In a recent earnings call for the fiscal period that ended on March 31, CEO Strauss Zelnick said the company is "thrilled" with the number of players who've signed up for GTA+

Soulsborne content creator Garden of Eyes has created a mod that pits the game's various bosses against one another, and it's clear in a new video from the creator that Malenia is a cut above the rest.