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Deciding Who Dies In Marvel's Avengers: Endgame The Old Fashioned Way

Meg and Chris received a slew of Hasbro Avengers: Endgame toys and Avengers: Endgame Nerf guns. So, they set about the task of figuring out who would die in Avengers: Endgame the only way they knew how: By shooting toys with nerf guns.

Avengers: Endgame is now in theaters, and in the lead up to its release, fans have been speculating wildly about who makes it out of this final Infinity Saga film alive. It's a heart-wrenching issue of plots and payoffs, or if you're Meg and Chris, it's a matter of shooting toys with nerf guns. Will Meg allow any harm to befall Captain America? Check out the video above to see how they determined exactly who would die.

If you're heading to see the movie yourself, you may want to know when it's safe to pee. There's also the matter of after-credits scenes, of which Endgame has none. However, there is a reason to stick around until the end, although whether that small moment proves to be as significant as previous post-credits stingers remains to be seen.

For more on what to expect, check out our Avengers: Endgame review.