The wait is over for the third new Forge activity in Destiny 2's expansion, The Black Armory. The Izanami Forge on Nessus is the strangest one to pop up in the game yet; where the other Forges have players fighting waves of enemies in a single room, the battle for the Izanami Forge is spread over three discrete islands that can make the fight pretty tough.
The quest to unlock the Izanami Forge is more involved than the others, with lots of extra steps and plenty of grinding. That's why we put together a guide to help you unlock the Forge as quickly and painlessly as possible. To start it, head to Nessus and start taking down Vex enemies until one drops a Vex Transponder. We found the most reliable way to get the quest started was to complete a Daily Heroic Adventure on Nessus.
After a long journey, you'll unlock the Forge, where you can create a Black Armory bow and pulse rifle. To see the Forge in action (and get some tips on how to best take it down), check out the video above.