With Forsaken, Destiny 2's big Year Two expansion, Bungie has been trying a new approach to story. Every week, players jump into endgame events in the Dreaming City, a place caught in a time loop but which is slowly undergoing changes that seem likely to have lasting effects on the game and its lore.
Though tidbits of story have been slowly trickling out each week in Destiny 2, this week was different. Instead of a few lines of dialogue hinting at where Bungie was headed, we got a big twist in the form of a new cutscene. The cutscene seems likely to have some big implications for the continuing story of the Dreaming City, as well as the rest of the events of Forsaken.
Watch the video above to see where you can access the cutscene, which is only available after you complete Petra Venj's Weekly Bounty for clearing the Blind Well, which gives you an offering. You can take that offering to the Oracle Engine in the Dreaming City this week to reach Mara Sov's court, where you can activate the cutscene.