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Destiny 2: Forsaken - Where Is Xur? (Jan. 4-8 Location Guide)

The enigmatic vendor of the nine is back for the new year and with some different perks on old exotic favorites. Here's what he has in store. Captured on PC.

Another weekend comes to Destiny 2, and with it another chance to top up your collection of Year One Exotics. Xur is back in the solar system, bringing three pieces of Exotic armor and an Exotic weapon for players to grab if they don't already have them. Check out where to find him and what he's carrying in the video above, and read our guide for more details.

As usual, Xur only offers Exotics from before the release of the Forsaken expansion, so if you're looking for something from Year Two, you'll have to wait for a random Exotic drop. There are plenty of new weapons and armor to earn in the latest expansion, The Black Armory, however. The Niobe Labs new content is set to drop on January 8, and with it, likely the fourth and final of The Black Armory's new forges. In the meantime, use our guide to open the Izanami Forge, learn the secrets of the Forges' Mystery Box Exotic quest, and get check out all of Bungie's planned content for the rest of Season 5.