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Destiny 2 Xur Location Guide February 21

Find out where our old friend from the Nine is and what he is selling the week of February 21, 2020 in Destiny 2.

Destiny 2's Season of Dawn is quickly coming to the end, with the final Iron Banner of the season currently underway. Xur is also back in the solar system with only a few visits left before the Season of Dawn ends. He's mostly offering old Exotics this week, but with Bungie preparing to nerf a bunch of guns before too long, it might be worth adding some items to your collection to prepare for new builds and strategies. Check out the video above to see where to find Xur and what he's selling.

You'll want to head to the EDZ to track down Xur, and if you don't already have one, his weapon offering, The Colony, is worth snagging. The Exotic grenade launcher has a lot of utility in the Crucible; it fires spider grenades that will track down enemies and take them out for you. They're pretty tough to avoid, which means you're usually guaranteed at least one kill if you manage to grab some heavy ammo in a match.

Check out our written Xur guide for even more info on what the Agent of the Nine is selling.