Destiny 2 will see lots of changes in the upcoming Shadowkeep expansion, which will finally take Guardians back to the moon on October 1. In addition to a major expansion on the PvE side, Bungie is also making a sizeable overhaul to the Crucible, its competitive player-vs.-player mode.
Information about the PvP changes comes from Destiny 2 director Luke Smith's "Director's Cut," a giant, three-part blog post that looks back at the last year of Destiny 2 and explains what we can expect in Shadowkeep. Check out the video above, in which GameSpot's Destiny obsessives, David Ahmadi and Phil Hornshaw, talk about the changes Smith detailed and how they'll shift the PvP experience in October.
Most interesting might be the implication from Smith that the Trials of Osiris--or some other form of top-tier PvP competition--is on its way. We also learned that playlists are getting a shakeup, with a bigger focus on 3v3 and 4v4 game modes. Six-player team games will still be available though, mostly on a weekly rotation and in a dedicated Control playlist that'll serve as the best way for new players to get used to competition.
There are a lot more changes on the way with Shadowkeep that we'll be detailing in the future, too. In the meantime, cross-save is now online in Destiny 2, allowing players to shift their characters between platforms. Here's our detailed guide on how to get cross-save going.