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Doctor Who: Season 11 Episode 2 "The Ghost Monument" Breakdown

Doctor Who's Series 11 returns with this second episode, The Ghost Monument, where we finally see the opening titles and catch our first glimpse of the TARDIS! Watch Adam and Oscar break down Jodie Whittaker's latest adventure as the thirteenth Doctor.

So you watched Jodie Whittaker's debut as The Doctor last week, you enjoyed her interactions with new companions Graham, Yas, and Ryan, and you came way satisfied, right? All of that might be true, but The Woman Who Fell to Earth left us missing two big elements of any Doctor Who series: the opening titles and the TARDIS.

Thankfully, this second episode, The Ghost Monument, gives us both. It jumps straight into the opening titles sequence, sans cold open, before a 48-minute adventure across a creepy alien planet named Desolation. And at the end, we at last get to see the spruced-up TARDIS, complete with custard cream dispenser.

Make sure you've watched the episode, and then come back and take a look at our breakdown and review thoughts in the video above. We discuss what we think of the soft reboot that is Season 11, pick out some hidden Easter eggs, and come up with more #analysis than you can shake a sonic spoon at.

We'll have plenty more Doctor Who videos coming on GameSpot Universe over the coming weeks, so remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel and leave your thoughts on all the show's changes in the comments below!