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Elseworlds: Every DC Easter Egg In The Arrowverse Crossover

Elseworlds, the crossover event combining the characters of The Flash, Arrow and Supergirl, has shaken the Arrowverse to its core. The DC Nerds at TV Guide and GameSpot have come together to dig up every Easter egg and DC comics reference we could possibly find from the crossover.

The "Elseworlds" crossover event has shaken the Arrow-verse to its core, leaving us with the knowledge that next year Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl will present their take on "Crisis on Infinite Earths." However, there's still so much to talk about where "Elseworlds" is concerned.

The event introduced Batwoman, went to Gotham City and Smallville, and was loaded with so many Easter eggs that if you blinked, chances are you missed a few. Luckily, GameSpot teamed with TV Guide to track them all down, from the not-so-subtle Smallville nod to the tease of some major DC Comics villains who could come to a Batwoman spin-off show, should that actually happen.

Did you manage to catch all of the Easter eggs? Take a look at the video above and let us know in the comments what you missed. With so much happening in the background of the three-night event, it definitely took us a few watches to see everything.

After you catch up on the Easter eggs, there's plenty more Elseworlds content for you. Make sure to check out the GameSpot and TV Guid roundtable discussion of whether Batwoman should get her own show on The CW, plus an explanation from the Arrow-verse executive producers on how the three-part event sets up the world of Gotham City--and how it differs from Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl.