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Every Reveal for Xbox Game Show in 10 Minutes

Don't want to sit through the entire Xbox and Bethesda Showcase? Don't worry, we got you. Here's everything you need to see from Starfield to Diablo IV in under 10 minutes.

Here are all the games shown off in order!


Hollow Knight: Silk Song

High On Life

A Plague Tale: Requiem

Forza Motorsport

Flight Simulator

Overwatch 2

Ara: History Untold

The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle

Fallout 76: The Pitt

Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels

Ark 2


Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Lightyear Frontier

Gunfire Reborn

The Last Case of Benedict Fox

As Dusk Falls

Nakara Bladepoint



Diablo IV


Wo Long Fallen Dynasty

