the Fortnite Dragon Ball Super collaboration is officially underway. Goku, Vegeta, Beerus, and Bulma skins have been added to the game, with all but Beerus sporting alternate styles. Alongside the Fortnite Dragon Ball crossover skins, multiple in-game events will also be featured, including the Dragon Ball Power Unleashed Quests that offer special rewards, extra battle pass levels, and a Shenron glider to those who complete quests and collect the Dragon Balls.
Fortnite x Dragon Ball Challenges:
On Game Pass, Eight games in total are headed to the service before the month is out, unless Xbox wants to surprise us with some additional games as August progresses. Out today is the coffee brewing game/conversation Coffee Talk, in which players brew coffee and then talk to people about their issues. The game is available across console, PC, and the cloud. On August 23, Midnight Fight Express comes to Game Pass as a day-one new release. This is a "brutal and hyper-kinetic brawling ballet" game that will be available for console, PC, and cloud. Other games include: Exapunks, Opus Echo of Starsong, Immortality, Immortals Fenyx Rising, and Tinykin.