Fortnite's Week 6 challenges are live on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices. While most of this week's tasks are fairly straightforward and can be completed easily enough through normal play, one of the more obtuse ones you'll need to clear--especially if you're hoping to unlock the Legendary Ruin skin in Week 8--is to search where the knife points on the Treasure Map loading screen. This is the second challenge revolving around this loading screen thus far in Season 8, and what makes it tricky is the map in question isn't clearly labeled, so it's difficult to discern where to go if you aren't familiar with the island. Fortunately, we've put together this guide to point you in the right direction.
In the video above, we show you exactly where you need to go to complete this challenge and snag a free Battle Star. The knife on the Treasure Map loading screen points to a forest located between Lonely Lodge and the racetrack north of Paradise Palms, near the top of map quadrant J6. Head to that area and a Battle Star will appear. Collect it then finish the match and you'll have completed the challenge.