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Fortnite - Jump Through Flaming Hoops (Season 6, Week 5)

Here are the locations for the flaming hoops in this week's Fortnite challenges. Grab your shopping cart, ATK or quadcrasher and get jumping.

Season 6, Week 5 of Fortnite is now underway and one of the new challenges requires players to find five flaming hoops and jumping through them using a Shopping Cart or ATK. The exact locations of the flaming hoops have changed since the last time this challenge was used, so you'll need to spend some time exploring the island.

Or you could just watch the video above, in which we reveal the exact locations of the flaming hoops and complete the challenge. Alongside the weekly challenges, Fortnite developer Epic Games has also kicked off Fortnitemares, a Halloween event with its own unique selection of challenges. The event is quite different from anything Fortnite's battle royale mode has done before, as it includes an element of PvE.

This was all added as part of update 6.20, which also includes a new weapon: the Six Shooter. Take a look at the full Fortnite update 6.20 patch notes for more on what's new and changing in Fortnite.